Change SAP Database User Password with BRTOOLS

1. Go to operating system level and go to BRTOOLS. Select 8 – Additional functions.

BR*Tools main menu

 1 = Instance management
 2 - Space management
 3 - Segment management
 4 - Backup and database copy
 5 - Restore and recovery
 6 - Check and verification
 7 - Database statistics
 8 - Additional functions
 9 - Exit program

2. Choose 4 – Change password of database user.

Additional BR*Tools functions

 1 = Show profiles and logs
 2 - Clean up DBA logs and tables
 3 - Adapt NEXT extents
 4 - Change password of database user
 5 - Create/change synonyms for DBA tables
 6 - Reset program status

3. Press ‘c‘ to continue.

BRCONNECT options for changing password of database user

 1 - BRCONNECT profile (profile) ............... []
 2 - Database user/password (user) ............. [/]
 3 ~ Database owner to change password (owner) . []
 4 - Message language (language) ............... [E]
 5 - BRCONNECT command line (command) .......... [-p -l E -f chpass]

4. Key in your new SAP database user password.

BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2011-06-23
BR0263I Enter password for database user ‘SAPDEV’ (maximum 30 characters):

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