Difference: tRFC & qRFC


tRFC definition
• Executed exactly once (EO)
• Example, if 10 LUWs executing and failing. Then, user re-execute again the 10 LUWs. The 10 LUWs will be executing (executed once only even if the user re-execute the LUWs multiple times) but the LUWs will not processing in sequence.


qRFC definition
• Executed exactly once in order (EOIO)
• Example, if 10 LUWs executing and failing. Then, user re-execute again the 10 LUWs. The 10 LUWs will be executing (executed once only even if the user re-execute the LUWs multiple times). The 10 LUWs will executing in orderly (First in First out).

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