Steps to Upgrade SAP Web Dispatcher Version

1. Check the current SAP Web Dispatcher version.

> sapwebdisp -v

2. You can go to Browse for Support Packages and Patches → Entry by Application Group → Additional Components → SAP Kernel → SAP KERNEL (32/64Bit, Unicode/non Unicode) → SAP KERNEL (32/64Bit, Unicode/non Unicode)7.00 → OS Platform → #Database Independent.

3. Shutdown the SAP Web Dispatcher and create a backup of cdexe folder. Below example is for Unix/Linux environment.

# kill THE-PID
# cp -pR exe/ exe_backup/

4. Create another folder name NEW_SAPWEBDISP (any name, it’s up to you). Copy and extract the downloaded file to this directory.


5. Move the files to the cdexe path.

6. In the cdexe directory, replace the to icmbnd and change the permission with ownership as below. The step need to be execute using root user id.

# mv icmbnd
# chown root:sapsys icmbnd
# chmod 4750 icmbnd

7. Before bringing up, you will need to perform a cleanup to the SAP Web Dispatcher. This will ensure no shared memory issue occurred during the startup.

a. Remove the shared memory using cleanipc

cleanipc INSTANCE-NUMBER remove

b. If cleanipc command does not work, perform the cleanup by using -shm_attach_mode. Go to the profile directory and execute below command

> sapwebdisp pf=PROFILE-NAME -shm_attach_mode 1

c. If still doesn’t work, manually remove using the ipcrm command.

8. Start the SAP Web Dispatcher and do the configuration check.

9. Check the version and you are now successfully upgrade the SAP Web Dispatcher.


• Note 908097 – SAP Web Dispatcher: Released releases and applying patches

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