Number | Severity | Explanation |
401 | 16 | Unimplemented command or expression %s. Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax / semantics and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message. |
403 | 16 | Invalid operator for datatype op: %s type: %s. Explanation: Refer to the writeup for Error 403. |
404 | 19 | Too many ANDs or ORs in expression (limit %d per expression level). Try splitting query or limiting ANDs and ORs. Explanation: Refer to the writeup for Error 404. |
405 | 20 | Cannot route query results – query internal representation corrupted – for operation %s / datatype %s. Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so dbcc diagnostics can be run. |
406 | 23 | Ord_needed: Can't find index for varno=%d / objid=%ld. Explanation: The database may be corrupt. Report the error to your System Administrator. Adaptive Server must be restarted and dbcc diagnostics run. |
407 | 19 | You query creates too many internal work tables and/or user tables: the maximum is %d. Simplify the query and try again. Explanation: Command failed when a configurable limit was exceeded. Reconnect to Adaptive Server and perform any corrective action indicated by the message. Report the error to your System Administrator. |
408 | 20 | Is_var: Unknown data type %d. Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so dbcc diagnostics can be run. |
409 | 16 | The %s operation cannot take a %s datatype as an argument. Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message. |
410 | 20 | Compute clause #%d `by' expression #%d is not in the order-by list. Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so dbcc diagnostics can be run. |
411 | 20 | Compute clause #%d aggregate expression #%d is not in the select list. Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so dbcc diagnostics can be run. |
412 | 16 | Cannot update more than 1 sysindexes row at a time. Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message. |
413 | 17 | Maximum procedure %s count exceeded. Limit is %d. Modify the procedure to use fewer %ss. Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit available resources retry when the resource is available or contact your System Administrator to address the resource problem. |
414 | 16 | The current query would generate a key size of %d for a work table. This exceeds the maximum allowable limit of %d. Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message. |
415 | 16 | The current query would require an index on a work table to be built with %d keys. The maximum allowable number of keys is %d. Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message. |
416 | 16 | Create of work table failed because row size would be %d. This exceeds the maximum allowable size of a row in a table %d. Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message. |
418 | 20 | Can't find the real column name corresponding to the column heading `%.*s'. Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so dbcc diagnostics can be run. |
420 | 16 | TEXT and IMAGE datatypes may not be used in an ORDER BY clause. Explanation: Check query syntax. |
421 | 16 | TEXT / IMAGE and off-row Java datatypes may not be selected as DISTINCT. Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message. |
422 | 19 | Too many nested expressions or logical operators to compile. Try splitting query or limiting ANDs and ORs. Explanation: Command failed when a configurable limit was exceeded. Reconnect to Adaptive Server and perform any corrective action indicated by the message. Report the error to your System Administrator. |
423 | 20 | Table referenced in a foreign key constraint is missing database = `%S_DBID' / table = `%S_OBJID'. Explanation: This error is caused by an Adaptive Server problem which allows a referenced table in a referential integrity constraint to be dropped. Contact Sybase Technical Support to upgrade to a version in which the problem is resolved. |
424 | 20 | Failed to enforce a referential constraint database = `%S_DBID' / table = `%S_OBJID'. Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so DBCC diagnostics can be run. (This error is not raised in Adaptive Server 11.1 and higher.) |
425 | 20 | Referencing table in a foreign key constraint is missing database = `%S_DBID' / table = `%S_OBJID'. Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so dbcc diagnostics can be run. |
426 | 20 | Primary key column referenced in a foreign key constraint is missing database = `%S_DBID' / table = `%S_OBJID'. Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so dbcc diagnostics can be run. |
427 | 20 | Referencing column in a foreign key constraint is missing from system catalog database = `%S_DBID' / table = `%S_OBJID'. Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so dbcc diagnostics can be run. |
428 | 20 | There are more than %d referential constraints on table %.*s. Please reduce the number of referential constraints before trying this query. Explanation: Refer to the writeup for Error 428. |
429 | 18 | Invalid constraint type passed to compile referential constraint. This is an internal error. Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator. |
430 | 18 | Constraint id info in the resvar for check constraints is missing. This is an internal error database = `%S_DBID' / table = `%S_OBJID'. Explanation: This error occurs when Adaptive Server fails to find an expected constraint during query processing. Contact Sybase Technical Support to upgrade to a version in which the problem is resolved. |
431 | 26 | Node off RESDOM is not MULTARG as expected. Explanation: An internal locking/synchronization rule was broken. Report the error to your System Administrator. Shut down and restart Adaptive Server. |
432 | 16 | Security Label datatypes may not be used in an ORDER BY clause. Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax / semantics and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message. |
433 | 17 | Unable to allocate work table to process referential constraint. Query exceeds the maximum limit (%d) of work tables. Either simplify the query or reduce the number of referential constraints on the tables involved in the query. Explanation: Resource error while trying to allocate worktable to process deferred update on a table with referential constraints. Take corrective action described in message. |
434 | 16 | Work table cannot be allocated for processing the order by clause which requires a sort. Maximum limit (%d) of work tables is exceeded while processing this query. Simplify the query and retry. Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax / semantics and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message. |
435 | 16 | Database `%.*s' is not available. The `%s' statement will not be executed because the cross-database referential constraint on table `%.*s' cannot be enforced. Contact your System Administrator about the availability of database `%.*s'. Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax / semantics and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message. |
436 | 16 | The `%s' statement will not be executed because the cross-database referential constraint on table `%.*s' cannot be enforced. A table or constraint definition is missing in database `%.*s'. Contact your System Administrator. Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax / semantics and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message. |
441 | 18 | Deadlock occurred in SQL Process %d while accessing referencing tables. Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator. |
442 | 16 | Maximum number of user tables under all sides of a UNION statement can not exceed %d. Please simplify the query and retry. Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message. |
444 | 16 | The index %d for the table %ld was not found in database %d. The index may have been dropped while this query was being compiled. Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Contact your System Administrator. |
445 | 16 | Compute clause referenced too many variable length columns; note that each aggregate occupies 2 columns except for the AVG which occupies 4 columns. The maximum number of variable length columns is %d Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Modify query to conform to the specified limits. |
446 | 16 | The COMPUTE clause #%d aggregate expression #%d may produce a result that is wider than 255 bytes the maximum computed result allowed. Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Check query. |