Do not make any changes (SAP data).
Message no. SV137
You want to access SAP control data in change mode. However, this data is maintained by SAP. Changes to this data are classified as program modifications.
System Response
Your changes may be overwritten with each subsequent upgrade or release upgrade.
Avoid changing this data. If the change is unavoidable, document it carefully, so that it can be repeated if necessary after an upgrade or release upgrade. For this purpose, we recommend creating a change request with this data. You can then export this before an upgrade or release upgrade and import it again afterwards.
You can display the namespace definition using program RDDKOR54.
SAP Note 3233382 – SM30 | SM34 | Do not make any changes (SAP data)
Avoid changing this data. If the changes are unavoidable, document them carefully, so that you can repeat them if necessary after an upgrade or release change.
Record changes in a transport request. Release the transport request. In case the data are overwritten by SAP, import the transport request, to recreate the data.Read and use manual instruction of SAP notes:
2497381 SPRO | SM30 | How to include customizing data in a Customizing request manually
2921632 SPRO | SM34 | How to include customizing data in a Customizing request manually