The installation is using MaxDB 7.8 on Windows Server 2008 R2 version.
1. Double click the installer to start the installation. Accept the MaxDB license agreement.
2. Select Install.
3. Select the Features. By default, all features are selected.
4. Specify the paths shared for the MaxDB installation.
5. Enter the installation properties.
6. Select the database template. Desktop PC/Laptop is for single user environment (for testing and development) and for Custom, you can define/customize the memory, CPU, data files and other parameters.
7. Specify the database username and password. You can adjust the username. But, recommended to use the default as assigned.
8. Define the volume paths for data and log files. You can set the naming, size and the locations.
9. Allocate the system resources (DB size, memory, CPU and Parallel DB session).
10. Specify the global database setting.
11. Finalize the installation summary and you can start the MaxDB installation once confirmed.
12. Monitor the progress till the you see the notification “You have successfully installed SAP MaxDB.”
Oh! Very clear. Thank for sharing!