Solaris ufsdump: Incremental File System Dump

ufsdump backs up all files specified by files_to_dump (normally either a whole file system or files within a file system changed after a certain date)  to  magnetic tape, diskette, or disk file. When running ufsdump, the file system must be inactive; otherwise, the output of  ufsdump maybe inconsistent and restoring files correctly may be impossible. A file system is inactive when it is unmounted or the system is  in single user mode. A file system is not considered inactive if one tree of the file system is quiescent while another tree has files or directories being modified.


# /usr/sbin/ufsdump [options] [arguments] files_to_dump

options: Single string of one letter ufsdump options.
arguments: May be multiple strings whose association with the options  is determined by order. That is, the first argument goes with the first option that takes an argument;  the second argument goes with the second option that takes an argument, and so on.
files_to_dump: is required and must be the last  argument on the command line. It specifies the files to dump. Usually it identifies a whole file system by its  raw device name (for  example, /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s6). Incremental dumps (levels 1 to 9) of files changed after a certain date only apply to a whole file system.   Alternatively, files_to_dump can identify individual files or directories. All files or directories are dumped, which is equivalent to a level 0 dump; however, /etc/dumpdates is not updated, even with the u option specified. In all cases, the files must be contained in the same file system, and the file system must be local to the system where ufsdump is being run. If no options are given,  the default is 9uf  /dev/rmt/0 files_to_dump.


0-9: The dump level.
a: Archive file.
b: Blocking factor.
c: Cartridge.
D: Diskette.
f: Dump file.
l: Tape drive auto load (Default is 2 minutes wait time)
n: Notify all user that  ufsdump requires attention by sending messages to their terminals.
o: Offline.
s: Specify the size of the volume being  dumped to.
S: Size estimate. Determine the amount of space that is needed to perform the dump without actually doing it, and display the estimated number of bytes it will take.
u: Update the dump record.
w: Warning. List the  file systems that have not been backed up within a day.
W: Warning with highlight. Similar to the w option, except that the W option includes all file systems that appear in /etc/dumpdates, along with information about their most recent dump dates and levels.


• To make a full dump of a root file system on  c0t3d0, on a 150-MByte cartridge tape unit 0, use:

# ufsdump 0cfu /dev/rmt/0 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0

• To make and verify an incremental dump at level 5 of the usr partition of c0t3d0, on a 1/2″ reel tape unit 1, use:

# ufsdump 5fuv /dev/rmt/1 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s6


While running, ufsdump emits many verbose messages. exit codes:
• 0: Normal exit.
• 1: Startup errors encountered.
• 3: Abort – no checkpoint attempted.

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