ufsrestore restores files from backup media created with the ufsdump command. Options is a single string of one-letter options. One (and only one) of the following options must be included: i, r, R, t, or x. Arguments is one or more strings following options. The association of arguments with options is determined by order. That is, the first argument goes with the first option that takes an argument; the second argument goes with the second option that takes an argument, and so on. However, the filename arguments, which go with either the x or t options, must come last. They specify the names of files (or directories whose files) are to be restored to disk. Unless the h modifier is also used, a directory name refers to the files it contains, and (recursively) its subdirectories and the files they contain.
• i: Interactive.
• r: Recursive.
• R: Resume restoring.
• t: Table of contents.
• x: Extract the named files from the media.