ST04: DB Performance Analysis

Transaction code ST04 is used to shows detail of the database behave & usage, both history and current time.

Data buffer cache size & quality must be above 95% [meaning less physical read from disk]

User/Recursive Call > 2 [Recursive call will get more over time]

Read/User Call < 30 [> 30 means expensive SQL statements]

Time/User Call < 15ms

Busy time & CPU time ratio 60:40 ratio. Higher ratio means tuning required

Sort sections. It should be less than 0.1% of total sorts.

Shared pool statistics. DD (data dictionary) cache quality should be more than 99%, similarly the SQL area get ratio.

Instance performance. Soft parse ratio max value is 1 which is not possible because at least once the SQL is hard parsed and then soft parsed in its next executions. But this must be as close as possible to 1 for a healthy system. Similarly there is another fact which is in-memory sort ratio; this is for a healthy system should have higher values. In fact the less the disk sorts the better.

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