-reconfig [filename] - reconfig all (affected) services
or [--hostnameResolution=local|global|internal] [--internalAddress=[ip]] - change configuration and reconfigure all services
-convertTopology [--oldHost=... --newHost=...] - repeat oldHost/newHost for each host
or --test or --test=[filename] - write conversion to stdout/file
-exportTopology [filename]
-importTopology [filename]
-listServices [--host=[host]] [--service=[serviceName]] [--allDatabases]
-createSecureStore [--dbid=[dbid]] [--target=SSFS|LSS] - ensures that the SecureFileStore itself and all encryption keys within are available. dbid is optional. The target parameter is valid only for initializing a secure store. If target is not provided for initialization, SSFS is used
-migrateSecureStore --target=SSFS|LSS - migrates root key storage from SSFS to LSS or vice versa
-generateRootKeys --type=PERSISTENCE|APPLICATION|BACKUP|LOG|ALL --dbid=[dbid] [--yes] - creates new root keys for Persistence Encryption or APPLICATION or BACKUP or LOG (WARNING: old root keys will be deleted!). Precondition: root keys exist. dbid is a pre-requisite for generating root keys
-printHashedRootKeys [--dbid=[dbid] | --database_name=[database_name]][--verbose] - prints the hashed root keys for Persistence Encryption, APPLICATION, BACKUP and LOG. dbid/ database_name is optional. database_name option is supported when NameServer is online.
-reloadHADRProviders - triggers distributed reload of configured HA/DR providers
-backupRootKeys [filename_prefix] --dbid=[dbid] | --database_name=[database_name] | --alldbs [--path=[directory_path]] [--type=[keytype_list] | ALL] - backup the root keys from the KeyStore to the specified filename. Setting up a passphrase via [ALTER SYSTEM SET ENCRYPTION ROOT KEYS BACKUP PASSWORD [Password]] dbid/database_name/alldbs is a pre-requisite for backing up the root keys. database_name option is supported when NameServer is online. alldbs takes root key backup of all tenants, cannot be used with dbid and database_name.
-recoverRootKeys [filename] --dbid=[dbid] [--password=[passphrase]] [--type=[quoted_keytype_list] | ALL] - Recover the root keys from the specified filename to the KeyStore. You will be prompted for a password if it is not supplied in the command line. dbid is a pre-requisite for recovering the root keys
-recoverRootKeysAndSettings [filename] --dbid=[dbid] [--password=[passphrase]]] - Recover the LSS from the specified filename. You will be prompted for a password if it is not supplied in the command line. dbid is a pre-requisite for recovering the LSS
-validateLssBackup [filename] [--password=[passphrase]] - validates the given passphrase for the Lss backup file. You will be prompted for a password if it is not supplied in the command line
-validateRootKeysBackup [filename] [--password=[passphrase]] [--printMetaData] - validates the given passphrase for the backup file and prints KeyMetaData. You will be prompted for a password if it is not supplied in the command line
-sr_enable [--name=[site alias]] - enables a site for serving as system replication source site
-sr_disable - disables system replication capabilities on source site
-sr_register --remoteHost=[primary master host] - registers a site to a source site
--remoteInstance=[primary instance id]
--name=[unique site name]
[--remoteName=[primary site name]]
[--operationMode=delta_datashipping|logreplay|logreplay_readaccess] * if parameter is given, the operation mode is set (current default in global.ini: logreplay)
[--force_full_replica] * if parameter is given, a full data shipping is initiated. Otherwise a delta data shipping is tried
[--force] * register even if number of hosts per hostrole is not equal
[--useForHintBasedStatementRouting] * use this system for hint based statement routing (only possible with operationMode='logreplay_readaccess')
[--online] * if the system is running, -sr_register internally performs a system restart. Please confirm the action by using the '--online' parameter. -sr_register on an shut down system does not need this parameter. In this case, the user needs to start HANA manually afterwards.
[--withAllSecondaries] * registers also all subsequent secondary sites to the new source site (only works when all sites are online and were already part of the system replication landscape)
Deprecated Options:
--mode=sync|syncmem|async * replaced by --replicationMode
-sr_unregister [--id=[site id]|--name=[site name]] - on primary: removes secondary with given id/name from primary, leaving the secondary untouched
- on secondary: unregisters the current secondary site from system replication (the site will act as a HANA standalone system without system replication configured)
[--force] * unregisters a secondary site even if it has other secondaries attached
-sr_initialize --database=[database name]|--volume=[volume id] - initializes given database or specific volume for system replication
[--force_full_replica] * if parameter is given, a full data shipping is initiated. Otherwise a delta data shipping is tried
-sr_changeReplicationMode --mode=sync|syncmem|async - changes the replication mode of a secondary site
-sr_fullsync --enable|--disable - enables or disables full sync on primary system
-sr_takeover - switches system replication primary site to the calling site
[--suspendPrimary * if parameter is given, it is tried to suspend and sync the primary before performing the takeover, if the sync fails, the takeover is aborted
[--maxWriteTransactionWaitTime=[time_s]]] * parameter specifies how long the primary should wait for running write transactions to be finished before suspending the primary
[--comment=[text]] * possibility to add some information about why a takeover was triggered
-sr_state - shows status information about system replication site
[--force] * get hostname mapping even if the system is offline (CAUTION: parallel execution on an offline system can cause data corruption on NFS3)
-sr_stateConfiguration - shows configuration of system replication site based on INI files
-sr_stateHostMapping - shows host mapping of system replication from topology
[--force] * get hostname mapping even if the system is offline (CAUTION: parallel execution on an offline system can cause data corruption on NFS3)
-sr_cleanup - hard remove of system replication configuration
-sr_dropsnapshots - drops all replication snapshots. Snapshots, that are marked as used for shipping are skipped.
[--force] * force drop snapshots, even if they are currently marked as used for shipping.
-sr_blockOnConnectionChanged --enable|--disable - enables or disables blocking of system replication if system replication connection status changed when using HA/DR provider
-sr_timetravel --startTime=[pointInTime] - set the secondary online on an specified point in time. Works only, if time travelling has been enabled before (set [system_replication]/timetravel_max_retention_time).
startTime can be specified in the format 'dd.mm.yyyy-hh.mm.ss' (UTC) or as unix timestamp in microseconds
[--startMode={online|replicate}] * Sets the startmode (default: online).
- online the database opens its persistence for read/write access in online mode.
- replicate the persistence is opened in replication mode and replay can be triggered manually.
[--callTakeoverHooks={1|0}] * Indicates, if takeover hooks should be called during startup. Default setting is taken from parameter [system_replication]/timetravel_call_takeover_hooks
[--comment=[text]] * possibility to add some information about why a timetravel was triggered
-sr_recoveruntil --endTime={[pointInTime]|max} [--nowait] - when the secondary is running as secondary in manual replay mode, this command can be used to roll the system state forward to the the point in time specified by 'endTime'.
endTime can be specified in the format 'dd.mm.yyyy-hh.mm.ss' (UTC), as unix timestamp in microseconds or can have the value 'max'.
If endTime is set to 'now' the system rolls forward to the current point in time.
-sr_replaymode --mode={auto|manual} - set the current replay mode for operation mode logreplay/logreplay_readaccess.
- auto replay is triggered automatically up to the most recent point in time
- manual replay has to be triggered manually using the command hdbnsutil -sr_recoveruntil to the specified point in time
-sr_resumeSuspendedPrimary - resume a suspended primary after (pre)takeover with '--suspendPrimary' option
-sr_changeOperationMode --mode={logreplay|logreplay_readaccess} - changes the operation mode