You are getting below error message when performing upgrade using the SAP SUM tool,
EXECUTING U:\SUM\abap\bin_754\SAPuptool.EXE execdb ..\var\SQLDBSCRIPT.TQL
Logging to 'U:\SUM\abap\log\SQLDBSCRIPT.OUT'
1EETQ008 Error message: DBSL error 99 (db code 50000):
1EETQ008 Creation of stored procedure
1EETQ009X 'sap_zz_create_jobs' threw SQL Error 14262: The specified Schedule Name
1EETQ009X ('SAP_COLLECTOR') does not exist.
1EETQ003 exit code: "20"
SAPup> Process with PID 11456 terminated with status 20 at 20240927232846!

Login to the SQL Server host and launch the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Expand the SQL Server Agent and delete the following below jobs. Once deleted, you can resume the SUM again.
SAP CCMS_[schema]_[dbname]_Update_Tabstats
SAP CCMS_[schema]_[dbname]_Blocking_Lockstats

SAP Note 3433488 – SQL Error 14262 in SUM downtime phase – NetWeaver