Create CCMSPing Monitoring Pause

1. Call transaction RZ21.

RZ21: Monitoring Properties & Methods

2. Choose Technical Infrastructure -> Availability Monitoring -> Configure CCMSPING Monitoring.

RZ21: CCMSPing Availability

3. The screen shows monitored and unmonitored systems in two lists, where you can display for the monitoring of the monitoring systems by expanding the subtree for the corresponding system.

RZ21: Monitor System

4. Select the desired systems by choosing the folder symbol for the corresponding systems. Choose Pauses and then Create Monitoring Pause.

RZ21: Create Monitoring Pause

Additional note:
Note that a system is only correctly selected when the entire line is highlighted.

5. The Maintain Time not Monitored screen appears. Rules can define for single monitoring pauses, and pauses that are repeated daily or weekly. The monitoring pauses that are repeated daily take effect immediately, the monitoring pauses that are repeated weekly are valid from the time specified, each time for the selected period of time and on the selected weekday.

RZ21: Maintain Time Not Monitored

6. Save the monitoring rule that you have created. Once you have successfully saved your rule, the system displays a success message and your rule appears in the list at the bottom of the screen.

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1 Comment

  1. Hi,
    I have configured availability monitoring and I am very sure I have added the correct message server and port in the CEN’s services file. However I still have error on availability monitoring for one particular system.
    the CCMS ping has been installed in CEN,and connection test is successful for all other systems.
    I can see the error as well in Solman Workcenter > System status > system not available. I am not sure what else to do.


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